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Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
to provide

On-Call Land Surveying Services
Land Surveying Services

Distribution date: 2/9/2024
Public Advertisement Notification start date : 2/13/2024

The County of Riverside Transportation Department (County) is seeking Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified land surveying firms (SURVEYOR) to establish new contracts for On-Call Land Surveying Services.  Potential Projects will be identified or funded in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), or funded locally through deposit based fees (DBF).

Notice is hereby provided regarding the availability of a Request for Qualifications.  Consultants wishing to submit a Statement of Qualifications in response to this request can download the RFQ and its attachments from the link provided below:

RFQ Document and Attachments

On-Call Land Surveying Services Request for Qualifications
Red new icon - Free red new icons
Word iconDocument(RFQ, Dated February 2024) Document Updated 3/4/24

Word iconDocument(RFQ, Dated February 2024) Document Updated 2/16/24, Superseded Document

Word iconDocument (RFQ, Dated February 2024) Superseded Document

Draft On-Call Land Surveying Services Agreement Boilerplate
Word icon Document

  Attachment A, Scope of Services

Word icon Document Document Updated 2/16/24
Word icon Document  Superseded Document

  Attachment B, Schedule of Services 
Word icon Document

  Attachment C, Compensation Plan
  Word icon Document

Submittal Date & Time

The closing date for submission of Qualifications in response to this request is:
March 6, 2024 at 2:00 PM.


The County of Riverside Transportation Department intends soon to utilize

an electronic bidding software, to assist the prequalification, proposals, advertising  and bid process for our public works projects.
Click here to register


Questions, RFI, Mailing List, and Submittal

Inquiries and Request for Information (RFI)
Prospective consulting firms are encouraged to promptly notify the County of any apparent inconsistencies, problems, or ambiguities in the RFQ. Consultants may submit questions via email to David McMillan ([email protected].  All email inquiries should contain “RFQ Inquiry” in the email subject line. Inquiries shall only be accepted through this email address; telephone calls or physical letters will not be accepted. If deemed necessary, the County may call for a pre-proposal meeting to discuss issues raised.

RFQual Mailing List
Consultants are encouraged to email David McMillan ([email protected]with “RFQ Mailing List” in the subject line to be placed on this RFQ's e-mailing notification list.  Consultants on the "RFQ Mailing List" will receive an email notification for changes or updates to this RFQ.  The Consultant shall be responsible for monitoring the website for updates or changes if they did not request to be on the mailing list or did not receive confirmation of being placed on the mailing list.

Submittal of RFQ package to:
County of Riverside Transportation Department, Survey Division
4080 Lemon Street, 8th Floor
Riverside, CA 92502-1090

Attention: David McMillan, County Surveyor

No fax nor e-mail copies will be accepted.
Incomplete submittals and/or submittals received after the closing date and time will be rejected without review.