Bonding begins with a construction cost worksheet filled in by the design engineer. The worksheet is then submitted with the street improvement plans to the plan check section with the rest of the first submittal package for review. The cost estimate needs to include all items within the road right-of-way. The storm drain facilities will be included with the roadwork unless there are flood control facilities, then the storm drain items will be calculated by Flood Control.
If this is for a map, survey will provide the monumentation bond amounts. Once all items are covered the Transportation plan check will prepare a fees and security report and transmit the report to the Bonding Administrator in Transportation Planning for processing.
Online Resources
Subdivision Improvement Bonding & Agreement Procedure
After the plan check process has been completed on tracts and parcel maps, the next step is execution of the subdivision improvement bonds and agreements process. The procedure is as follows:
- A document called a Fees and Securities Report is prepared by the Development Plan Check Division and transmitted to the Bonds and Agreements Section . The initial bonds and agreements package is derived from the figures on this worksheet, and then the package is transmitted to the developer. The package includes a copy of the Fees and Securities Report, Improvement Agreement forms, and blank bond forms for execution.
- The bonds and agreements package is executed by developer and the Bonds and Agreements Section, where it is given a cursory review for completeness. If the package is not complete, it is returned to the developer with a letter detailing what is deficient.
- If the package is complete, then the Bonds and Agreements Section transmits the package to Riverside County Counsel for review.
- County Counsel reviews the package and returns it to the Bonds and Agreements Section. If County Counsel has not approved the package, it is returned to the developer for correction (return to paragraph 2). If County Counsel has approved the package, then it is sent to Survey Division's Map Checking Section. Survey will include the bonds and agreements with the map when sent to the Board of Supervisors for recordation.
- After the map is recorded, the agreements (now executed by the Board), are returned to the Bonds and Agreements Section. A copy is then returned to the developer. The developer now has two years to complete the improvements, based upon the date the agreements were approved by the Board.
- If the improvements are completed in the first year, the developer must request an inspection from the Construction Inspection Division. The inspector will issue a Notice of Completion to the Bonds and Agreements Section, and the securities will be reduced to 10% for a one year period (90% release).
-If the improvements are not completed during the two year time period, the Bonds and Agreements Section will transmit an Extension of Time Agreement package to the developer. It is then executed by the developer, checked by County Counsel, and sent to the Board of Supervisors. After approval by the Board, a copy is returned to the developer. The developer now has an additional year to complete the improvements, based upon the date the agreements were approved by the Board.
- If the improvements are completed after the first year, the developer must request an inspection from the Construction Inspection Division. The inspector will issue a Notice of Completion to the Bonds and Agreements Section. A One Year Maintenance Agreement Package will be transmitted to the developer. By executing these agreements, the developer agrees to maintain the completed improvements for a year.
The procedure for execution and approval of One Year Maintenance Agreements is as follows:
One Year Maintenance Agreement package is executed by developer and returned to Bonds and Agreements Section. The Bonds and Agreements Section transmits package to County Counsel for review. County Counsel reviews package and returns it to the Bonds and Agreements Section. If County Counsel has approved the package, then it is sent to the Board for approval. (If County Counsel has not approved the package, it is returned to the developer for correction (go to paragraph 2).) After Board approval, the executed One Year Maintenance agreements are returned to the Bonds and Agreements Section. A copy is returned to the developer, and the securities on the project are reduced to 10% for a one year period (90% release).
- Ninety days after the 90% release, the Material and Labor security will be released.
- Ten months after the 90% release, the developer should request another inspection by calling the Construction Inspection Division. If the inspector deems that no maintenance is required on the improvements, the final 10% is released.
- When the monumentation is completed, the developer must furnish two copies of any necessary tie sheets and a statement showing whether or not the engineer has been paid for the setting of the monuments to Survey Division's Map Checking Section. After an inspection, the monumentation security will be ready for release. The security will not be released, however, until the improvements are completed and a Notice of Completion has been issued.
At any time, the developer may request an inspection for a partial release of securities (except for monuments). The securities will be reduced based on the amount of work remaining to be completed. The Transportation Department will grant only one reduction/partial release of securities prior to completion of the subdivision.
Contact Info
Principal Engineering Technician
Brigitte Hahn
(951) 955-6263
Engineering Aide
Vanessa Caldera
(951) 955-6826

Riverside County Administrative Center
4080 Lemon Street, 8th Floor
Riverside, CA 92502-1629
Phone: (951) 955-6880
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.