Administrative Staff
Our dependence on the work performed by our clerical staff is immeasurable. Besides being the focal point for staff they also provide the public with Parcel/Tract Numbers for all subdivisions within Riverside County, including the cities. They also process submittals for the following Case Types:
Case Type | Description |
ABD | General Vacation |
ABS | Summary Vacation |
ACPT | Acceptance |
AMAP | Amended Map |
COC | Certificate of Compliance |
COCC | Conditional Certificate of Compliance |
COCPW | Certificate of Compliance Parcel Waiver |
CPM | Certificate of Parcel Merger |
CR | Corner Record |
DED | Dedication |
FPM | Final Parcel map |
FPR | Final Parcel map Revitalized (When we have change in ownership) |
FTM | Final Tract Map |
FTR | Final Tract Map Revitalized (When we have change in ownership) |
LAFCO | Local Area Formation Commission |
LLA | Lot Line Adjustment |
MAP | Issuance of a Map Number for a Parcel Maps and Tract Maps |
MISC | Miscellaneous Survey Case |
MONI | Monument Inspection |
ROS | Record of Survey |
RTAT | Reversion to Acreage Tract Map |
SNC | Street Name Change |
URE | Naming an un-named road easement |
To submit your case online click here
To pay your invoice click here
Contact Info

Riverside County Administrative Center
4080 Lemon Street, 8th Floor
Riverside, CA 92502-1629
Phone: (951) 955-6880
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.