Right-of-Way Cases/ Vacations / Street Name Changes
The Survey Right-of-Way and Street Name Section provides right-of-way review for transportation and land development activities.
The Right-of-Way & Street Name Section handles:
- Acceptances of Right-of-Way dedications
- Street Name Changes
- Vacations – General
- Vacations – Summary
Preparation and/or review of legal descriptions and plats and research records, etc. for:
- Assessment Districts (ADs)
- Community Facilities Districts (CFDs)
- Economic Development Agency (EDA) – Project Management
- Economic Development Agency (EDA) – Real Property Division
Research records, etc. for:
- California Highway Patrol (CHP)
- Riverside County Department of Building and Safety and other County Agencies and Departments
- 911
Contact Info
Principal Engineering Technician

Riverside County Administrative Center
4080 Lemon Street, 8th Floor
Riverside, CA 92502-1629
Phone: (951) 955-6880
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.